Штрихкод: | 3522930010180 |
Оригинальное название | Beauty Elixir |
Sold for a year | 296 |
Свойства средства для кожи | Увлажнение кожи |
Looking to combat tired, sensitive, or irritated skin? Give Babor Soothing Cream a try! This skincare product can help stabilize and comfort your skin, reduce irritation, and provide comprehensive care. With high feedback from many satisfied customers, why not give it a try right away?
We are harsh on our hands lately, when we are sanitizing it all the time during Covid. We might have get used to the action, our hands are not. Don’t want to see bleeding cuticles during cold, dry winter?
Наши губы нуждаются в защите от солнечных лучей и питании в холодные зимние дни. Узнайте все о том, как ухаживать за губами без особых усилий.
Сухость волос может стать настоящим кошмаром. Она требует большего, чем просто регулярное мытье и стрижка. Хотите создать здоровый режим для сухих волос? Ознакомьтесь с нашим руководством!
אושי אוסנת כהן
1.01.2022I am addict to this product good for my facial skin I have no longer remembers how many bottles I bought recommended to everyone before after make up or even if you don't use make up
Lea Obradovic
16.05.2019It is nice to spray something refreshing on your face, but I am not sure if it should cost this much...
Ana Sales
Ana Sales
28.07.2018הוא יקר מאוד בשביל מה שהוא, אבל משהו במוצר הזה פשוט היה ממכר. שמרתי אותו בתיק ורעננתי את הפנים כמה פעמים ביום. העור לא התעייף ונראה רענן עד הערב.
Jordana Morais
24.07.2018Estou usando agora depois de ler vários comentários positivos sobre este produto. Estou gostando muito, refrescante e com um cheirinho agradável
נועה בונה
4.12.2017Love using this spray in the middle of the day, especially if I'm not wearing any make-up! It sort of has a similar effect of washing your face with cold water except it actually feels nice and hydrating. If I've taken a nap or woken up in the morning and my skin feels like it needs a pick me up I spray this on and I immediately feel and look more energised and awake.
Lucila Bortoletto
22.07.2017fragrância agradável de natureza deixou minha pele macia e bem hidratada
Eliane Raksa
7.07.2017Produto muito bom. Adorei a minha compra.
Sijia Lu
19.02.2017It's very refreshing and calming the skin at the same time