Velvet Lip Liner
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15.07.2017My go to lip liner. A very useful/ universal colour lip liner which I use with brighter pink /fushia lipsticks to create a great look. I also apply this all over my lips as a base and then apply a clear gloss over top for a natural look.
6.07.2017dissappointed. why do NARS lip products SMEAR??? dissappointed
6.07.2017not worth it. am over nars lip products, was so let down by both the liners and lipsticks!
22.06.2017Very good. Very good lip liner, draws precise, clean lines that keeps the lipstick in place without smudging. I got mine in red and the tone complement most reds so is suitable for many of my (many red) lipsticks.
Belinda Cavaiuolo
12.02.2017Beautiful liner that lasts.
Madhushree Das
10.02.2017Luscious Lip Liner. Definitely its a very soft smooth gliding lip liner . vibrant colour for daily use . fully satisfies with the purchase . You don't need a lipstick if you use it . just a stroke and filling of the liner and you good to go for the day.
10.02.2017Es un lápiz de labio de un tono rojo anaranjado intenso y super bonito especialmente lo uso en verano cuando estoy bronceada y queda espectacular!!!! Dura todo el día y yo lo uso hasta solo como labial fijo mate y me encanta porque cuando se seca no se mueve ni transfiere y me dura horas y horas..
10.02.2017Lápiz de labios malva que queda espectacular solo en todo el labio y dura horas sin moverse..a mi me dura toooda la mañana e incluso después de comer salvo la zona de la un color precioso para combinar con tonos rosados y morados y una base perfecta para que el color del labial te dure todo el día garantizado!!!
11.06.2016Lovely lip Liner. A great bright pink/fushia shade of lip liner which goes on smooth and even and lasts well on lips.
10.06.2016Nars Velvet Lip Liner - Nihiwatu. Beautiful creamy formula, cool bright cherry red colour. Can wear all over the lips without being too drying.