How to stop and reduce hair loss - 14 things that work
Who didn't have a fear of hair loss? At some point we all start to fear that we might lose too much hair. Although in most cases it's just a false alarm and it's just a normal hair change and in some cases it becomes a problem. But what can cause unexpected hair loss?If you have experienced hair loss and you have reason to believe that this is not just your hair loss cycle, the first thing you need to do is to find out what is causing the problem. But first, let's drop some common myths about hair loss, discuss how hair grows and why hair loss occurs.
1. Myths about hair loss
Myth 1 - Only men suffer from baldness
Let me make this clear: Hair loss does not mean that one of your "X" chromosomes is wrong. In fact, it's quite common for women to have hair loss. In fact, 40% of women suffer from hair loss at some point in their lives.Myth 2 - Washing your hair too often - that's the problem.
Next time someone gives you advice on how to wash your hair less often, you can laugh at it without hesitation. Of course, washing your hair more than three times a week is a little too much, but it doesn't lead to hair loss.Myth 3 - combing = alopecia
No, brushing doesn't make you bald. This means that if you don't pull your hair out with a comb, you don't. However, you should never comb wet hair, as this leads to hair brittleness.Myth 4 - Hair dyeing and treatment will lead to hair loss
What's the point of having hair if you can't have fun with it? As long as you follow this path correctly and avoid excessive processing, you are doing well. However, there are certain ways of treating hair where hair loss is seen as a possible side effect, so it is always useful to do the research before you start the extreme treatment.Myth 5 - Shaving your head will solve the problem.
Shave your head if you want. But if you expect your hair to get thicker when it grows, you'll be disappointed.Although trifles matter, hair loss is often the result of a more serious problem. To understand why you have hair loss, you first need to understand how hair growth works. We're not going to teach you a biology lesson, but here's some information to help you better understand the problem:
2. Hair growth - Stages
Have you ever wondered why your hair doesn't grow longer than a certain level, no matter how hard you try? That's because, contrary to popular belief, your hair has a lifecycle of 3-5 years, after which it falls out to allow new hair to grow in its place.Step 1: Anagen
This is the phase where hair grows out of the follicle and the rod is continuously formed, gradually increasing the length of your hair. This phase can last from 2 to 6 years.Step 2: Catagen
At this point, your hair is getting ready for rest. This stage can last about 2 weeks.Step 3: Telogen
The last phase is the resting phase, when hair stops growing and eventually falls out to be replaced with new hair. This phase lasts about 5-6 weeks.10-20% of your hair is always at rest at any point in time. Hair loss occurs when your hair falls out without completing this 3-step cycle. Hair loss becomes permanent when the follicle stops producing hair, which leads to hair loss. There are two types of hair loss that can lead to hair loss; keep reading to see what leads to it.
3. Models of hair loss - types of hair loss
Sample 1: Theologene Effluvium
If you have hair all over your head and body, it is likely that you have telogen effluvium.Telogen Effluvium occurs when more than 20% of your follicles suddenly move into the the theologene phase and the number of active follicles decreases. This leads to a loss of volume and eventually to hair loss.
Figure 2: Androgenic alopecia
This condition is more widely known as female alopecia and is hormonal. Hair begins to fall out when testosterone of male sex hormone turns into dihydrotestosterone and starts to attack the hair follicles, making them useless and curbing hair growth.Female hair loss is strikingly different from male hair loss. The main symptoms of female hair loss are the following:
- Hair thinning with female hair loss is observed mainly on the top and in the top of the head. Alopecia begins with the expansion of the central part of the hair.
- The front line of hair growth remains unchanged in most patients.
- Hair loss may be acute, but it does not lead to complete or almost complete hair loss, as in men
- More hair loss is observed during showers and hair combing.
4. What causes hair loss?
The causes of hair loss vary from person to person. Although in some cases the cause may be external factors, problems such as certain serious illnesses, malnutrition and heredity are also the main causes of hair loss in most patients. Check some of the major factors that can cause premature hair loss in women.4.1. Hereditary factors
Alopecia is often transmitted through genes. If your parents have problems with hair loss, you are also likely to have problems with hair loss. Although this is more obvious in men, women also suffer from genetically hereditary alopecia.
4.2. Hormonal changes
Hormonal changes in the body increase the sensitivity of hair follicles, weaken hair roots and cause excessive hair loss. Menopause, ovarian cyst, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, etc. Causes changes in the hormonal balance of your body, which ultimately leads to hair loss.
4.3. Pregnancy
Most women experience frequent dehydration, fatigue and hormonal imbalance during and after pregnancy. This causes hypersensitivity of hair follicles. It also creates unfavorable conditions for the scalp. All these factors together lead to chronic hair loss.
4.4. Physical and mental stress
Persistent illness, sudden and excessive weight loss, and excessive physical labour can lead to dehydration and exhaustion. This can make hair follicles undernourished and weak, and cause rapid hair loss.
4.5. Head skin infection
Fungal, bacterial and viral infections, such as seborrhoeal dermatitis and psoriasis of the scalp, can weaken roots and damage hair follicles, causing thinning, fragility and hair loss.
4.6. Focal alopecia
This is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system misunderstands the hair as foreign contamination and begins to affect the hair follicles, causing them to fall out. The disease cannot be cured and 10% of people suffering from it suffer from irreversible hair loss.
4.7. Medicines and treatments
Some medical conditions require treatment and operations that help cure the disease. While they treat your condition, side effects of treatment can often damage your hair follicles and cause you to lose your hair quickly. Treatment methods such as chemotherapy for cancer, steroids, typhoid treatment, heart disease, depression, etc. are known to lead to baldness to such an extent that they cause severe loss of hair. Here is a list of products that consider hair loss as a side effect:
- Anticoagulants
- Diet pills
- Birth control pills
- Thyroid drugs
- Aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
- Aleve or ibuprofen
- Gemfibrosyl, clofibrates and other cholesterol medications
- Ulcer medications such as ranitidine, phamotidine, etc.
4.8. Thyroid disorders
Thyroid disorders and antithyroid drugs almost always lead to hair loss. Hair looks rare and hair loss is evenly distributed throughout the scalp. Successful treatment often leads to hair regrowth, but in some cases hair loss is permanent.
4.9. Overprocessing and Styling
While everyone wants their hair to lie well all the time, excessive use of styling chemicals and hot styling tools can lead to hair loss.
4.10. Iron deficiency, anaemia and blood loss
Deficiency of red blood cells in the body, sudden loss of blood and insufficient iron in the body cause not only fatigue, weakness and headaches, but also loss of hair.
4.11. Diet and malnutrition
Insufficient nutrient intake and unhealthy and unbalanced diet can cause vitamin deficiencies. This leads to dehydration of the scalp and hair and can cause excessive hair loss.
5. Simple tips for reducing hair loss
We know that fighting hair loss can be difficult, but there are things you can do to curb hair loss. Here are 40 simple tips that really help.How to reduce hair loss - 40 simple tips
5.1 Find out the real reason
As we have already said, there are countless reasons for hair loss, so it is very important to find the root cause of this problem. The best way to solve this problem is to start with the right diagnosis. This can be done more easily by finding the areas where thinning is most noticeable, as well as how much hair is lost when combing or using shampoo. Consult your doctor to find out if you have any diseases that cause hair loss.
5.2 Use the correct comb
Hair combing can be a nightmare when you're dealing with hair loss. This can be done more easily by using the right comb. Use a wide tooth comb to unravel your hair; you can use your usual comb after that. This will reduce brittleness and hair loss. It's also important to remember that you can't comb your hair while it's wet. Your hair is most vulnerable when wet, which increases the likelihood of breakage. You should also clean your combs and brushes every week. You can do this while you're in the shower or washing your hair. Cleaning your hairbrush is a necessary precaution to prevent hair loss.
5.3 Towel-dry your hair the right way
While toweling seems like the fastest way to dry your hair, it's also the worst thing you can do with your hair. Active towel drying will cause your hair to fall out, get tangled and stretch. Instead, gently squeeze out excess moisture from your hair with a towel and let it dry naturally.
iv) Choose your products wisely
Try switching to shampoos that do not contain sulfates, silicone or parabens, so as not to burden your scalp and hair with aggressive chemicals that cause damage, making your hair brittle and more prone to brittleness. Control of chemical damage is certainly a reliable way to prevent hair loss.Many brands such as The Body Shop, Soul Tree, Rustic Art, Organic Surge and The Nature's Co. have some really good shampoo options to choose from.
v) Wash your hair three times a week
Wash your hair at least once every three days with a mild detergent or shampoo to remove all accumulated dust, dirt, oil and bacteria. Always keep them clean to avoid hair loss due to clogged follicles. It is also important not to wash your hair more than three times a week. Excessive washing will deprive the skin of the head and hair of natural oils, which are essential for healthy hair Style is right
Do not expose your hair to frequent chemical influences, excessive hairdryer drying, pulling and dyeing, as this can lead to hair loss. If you're dyeing your hair and experience hair loss problems, it's a good idea to take a short break before you add chemicals to your hair. Avoid daily hairstyles such as narrow tails, braids or braids. Using an elastic band to tighten your hair backwards can cause hair to fall out.(vii) Natural procedures
The ingredients in your kitchen can be of great help when you're looking for hair loss products. Ingredients such as coconut oil, onions, ginger, etc. E., have amazing properties that contribute to hair growth.
viii) Keep scalp healthy
If you have problems such as dandruff or oily/dry scalp, you need to solve these problems immediately. Head skin health is vital for healthy hair growth and to prevent hair loss.IX) Yoga and exercise
You'll be surprised how much stress can cause hair loss. And nothing relieves stress like physical activity. Regular exercise, such as yoga, can help avoid stress and curb hair loss. In fact, there are certain yoga exercises that are specifically aimed at reducing hair loss.x) Take supplements
There are many hair growth supplements on the market that help thicken hair and curb hair loss. Even some vitamin supplements make a big contribution to improving the health and volume of your hair. However, do not start taking supplements without first consulting your doctor. Minoxidyl (rogaine) is one of the most effective, FDA-approved, and usually prescribed by doctors around the world to stop hair loss and treat alopecia.(xi) Home treatments
Hair butter
There are many articles on how hair oil can make a difference overnight. Well, that's true. Although you may not like the idea of sticky, oily hair, the use of oils such as almonds, coconuts, castor nut seeds, etc., can help your hair in the long run. Leaving your hair greased overnight will give you plenty of time to ensure that each strand is covered in oil and your scalp is nourished. Dandruff and dead cells relax as you move your fingers and are easily removed with a shampoo the next day. To heal overnight, follow these steps (read on to learn more about the recipe for preparing a blend of oils to treat hair loss):
You will need
2 tablespoons of base oil (use the oil of your choice. You can also use mixtures of hair oils)Processing time
overnightThe process...
Pour two tablespoons of carrier oil, such as coconut, castor, olive or almond oil, into a bowl.Dip your fingers in this bowl and start rubbing the oil into your scalp.
Give yourself a good head massage for about 15 minutes until all your scalp and hair is covered with oil.
Apply the remaining oil along the length of your hair.
Leave the oil overnight and rinse it off with a shampoo the next morning.